We invite you to participate in the first meeting of the Hamburg club

17 Sept 2019, 00:00
We invite you to participate in the first meeting of the Hamburg club

On September 28-29, the first meeting of the worldwide Eco sapiens Hamburg Club and the International Committee for Saving the Planet serving under it will be held in Moscow. The Committee includes the leading scientific minds and intellectuals of our time, as well as environmental activists and citizens who care about the environmental state of the planet and do not wish to see the destruction of modern civilization.

This first meeting will give the Club members an opportunity to get to know each other, pose the most urgent tasks to be accomplished and develop the main areas of focus.

We are taking applications from scientists, environmentalists and environmentally active citizens from all over the world who wish to participate in the Committee meeting. We will provide you with visa support. Please write us personal messages on our website or send letters directly to me at apotemkin25@gmail.com

Founder of the Eco sapiens Hamburg Club Alexander Potemkin

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