Digital book "Outcast", Alexander Potemkin
Dear readers,
As I mentioned earlier, due to my concern about the environmental situation on the planet, I no longer intend to publish my books on paper.
As of today, I, advocating an Eco sapiens worldview, will make all of my novels, published in the past in other languages, and those I am currently writing ("Hues of Lonliness") and will write in the future, available in the public domain only in digital form on my website at
I urge all authors to follow my example and not print paper-based copies of their books.
Read the electronic versions!
The creative power of the literary universe Alexander Potemkin has created over the past twenty-five years in a dozen novels and series of brilliant novellas and stories is astounding. A truly unique continent has appeared in recent Russian-speking literature with its own distinctive spiritual landscape, precisely perceived by “heroes of our time,” an intelligent analysis of the present, and futurological forecasts. This analysis is particularly needed by today’s world suffering from a lack of global strategies and serious development forecasts based on a deep understanding of life and man and their evolutionary prospects. (Svetlana Semenova, doctor of philosophy)
This novel, like all of the author’s books, gives glimpses into a wide culturological sphere with echoes of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Fedorov, and contemporary philosophers, as well as plot and character quotations from Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, and possibly also Marquez. And, of course, Dostoevsky, who, although standing in the wings, forms the warp and weft of the novel, while his heritage constitutes the main intertextuality. (Maria Filina, doctor of Philology)
Here is a response to Potemkin’s novel Myself, which has been translated into Japanese: readers of the Land of the Rising Sun will be able to find in it “answers to questions that concern people in Russia, in Japan, and throughout the world.” Alexander Potemkin’s creative work is a contribution to a common cause. It is not only a contribution to the arduous searching of the Russian soul we inherited from Dostoevsky (whose influence is felt in Potemkin’s writing), but to a universal drama that the people of Dostoevsky’s time could never have imagined in their wildest dreams, which, however, deprives us of our sleep. (Lev Anninsky, member of the Union of Writers of Moscow)
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