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Section F. Construction

17 Sept 2019, 00:00

Continuation of Table 1  





Application Guidelines







Housing construction

Introduce new housing standards. Prohibit the construction of villas, mansions and private palaces. The living space norm per person should be 30 square meters.


The number of households with more than $10 million in capital has increased by 91 per cent since 2010 to 1.6 million.




Ensuring pedestrian accessibility to various infrastructure facilities

1. Reduce the number of the following social services in walking distance from residential buildings:
a) utility payment offices;
b) pharmacies;
c) retail and other service outlets.


the need to reduce the number of retail outlets and transfer all sales of goods and services to electronic platforms for mass implementation of Green ethics* (in keeping with responsible consumption**).
Ensure that the following social services are located within walking distance of residential buildings:
a) active environmental education development classes;
b) for children and teenagers: youth clubs, young technician groups;
c) sports grounds and gyms.


the population must be taught how to observe Green ethics* standards as mass responsible consumption is introduced.


* Green ethics defines the relationship between individuals and between people and society, which includes taking responsibility for the present and future generations (respect of the right of future generations to a healthy environment), as well as for nature (all living beings, as well as plants and minerals, have their own intrinsic value and have the right to exist in their own right, not only as resources).

** Responsible consumption is the consumption of products and goods produced by environmentally friendly technologies that do not pose a threat to human health. It entails a specific lifestyle based on an awareness of the need to conserve natural resources and contribute to preservation of the environment. The main objective of responsible consumption is to prevent the negative impact of production, transportation and the disposal of products and goods by promoting new environmentally friendly technologies, forming a conscientious attitude in consumers to the goods they purchase, and helping them to understand the relationship between their daily activities and the impact this has on the environment.

Continuation of Table 1 





Application Guidelines



Ensuring pedestrian accessibility to public transportation stops

Ensure that the next level is met:
public transportation stops should be located no more than 400 m from existing or planned bus, tram and route stops, and/or no more than 800 m from existing or planned railway, ferry and metro stations.
Public transportation stops built within 24 months of the completion date of a facility are also taken into account.
The distance is calculated in keeping with the movement of pedestrian traffic.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.



Enabling the use of bicycle transportation

Create bicycle parking spaces and showers:
a) for public buildings:

  • provide short-term bicycle storage areas within 180 meters of the building entrance for at least 2.5% of the maximum number of occupants, but no fewer than 4 bicycle parking spaces per building;
  • provide areas for long-term storage of bicycles for at least 5% of the total number of persons visiting the building on a regular basis, but no fewer than 4 bicycle parking spaces for short-term bicycle storage;
  • provide at least two showers (male and female) and two locker rooms for 50 employees.

b) for residential buildings:
provide short-term bicycle storage areas within 30 meters of the entrance to the building for at least 2.5% of the maximum number of occupants, but no fewer than 4 bicycle parking spaces per building;
provide areas for long-term bicycle storage for at least 10% of the total number of residents.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Environmental sustainability of built-up areas




Prevention of environmental pollution during construction works

1. Reduce pollution from construction activities by implementing control of soil erosion, water body sedimentation and airborne dust content.
Develop and implement a list of air and soil protection measures during construction aimed at preventing the spread of construction dust and soil erosion.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Development of building sites - protection and restoration of the natural environment

1. Preserve areas of existing vegetation, restore damaged areas, and contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity.
To protect and restore the natural environment, the following measures should be considered:
a) Maximum reduction of asphalt use in the project, the asphalted area should not exceed 5%. Replace the transit zones of special and fire fighting vehicles with reinforced lawns, paving slabs and geogrids.
b) Provide for landscaping of at least 20% of the land area.
2. Use local or adapted shrubs for landscaping that do not require watering. Promote plant biodiversity.


non-compliance of current developments with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Organization of public space

1. Provide an open area that creates favorable conditions for interacting with the environment, socialization, passive and active recreation:
a) provide an open space that occupies at least 30% of the total area of the territory (including part of the construction site);
b) at least 25% of this open area should be planted with flower beds, shrubs or trees, or equipped with green canopies. Alternatively, provide for the use of flat roof decks with extensive or intensive landscaping.
2. Ensure that the open area meets at least one or a combination of the following requirements:
a) a paved or turfed walking area with facilities for outdoor social and cultural activities;
b) a paved or turfed area for recreation and entertainment equipped with physical activity facilities;
c) a garden zone with a variety of plant species that are visually interesting to look at throughout the year;
d) a garden area designated for garden communities or for growing food crops.


non-compliance of current building projects with existing Green Zoom standards.




Rainwater control

1. Reduce the volume of storm water flowing into the municipal storm water drainage system or outside the built-up area from impenetrable surfaces (roads, sidewalks, parking lots, roofs, etc.) compared to similar storm water flows prior to construction on the site. Improve water quality by recreating natural hydrological parameters.
2. Collect and redistribute rainwater to minimize the impact of the construction site on the natural hydrological water processes.
3. Use a system of paved paths with permeable geogrids.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Reduction of local overheating

1. Minimize the excessive impact of solar radiation on the microclimate and human beings by reducing local overheating zones.
2. Choose a combination of two options:
a) plant shrubbery or create green canopies or architectural structures with a high reflection coefficient (white light) along the perimeter of playgrounds and pedestrian and bicycle paths, as well as over parking lots to create shade;
b) use materials for paving high reflection paths;
c) use a lane paving system with grids;
d) use roofing materials with the following solar radiation reflection coefficient:

  • for pitched roofs > 0.3;
  • for horizontal roofs > 0.65.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.



Reduction of light pollution of the environment

Use exterior lighting fixtures that predominantly distribute light into the lower hemisphere or use architectural and engineering elements and structures to limit light distribution to the upper hemisphere.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Water Efficiency




Reduction of drinking water consumption for irrigation outside buildings

1. Use crops adapted to local climatic conditions that do not require watering when landscaping the site.
2. Provide a water-efficient irrigation system for plants and shrubs planted in public areas that require irrigation.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.



Reduction of the amount of drinking water consumed by a building

Ensure the use of sanitary equipment with low water consumption characteristics. Devices with certification markings that confirm low consumption characteristics are recommended.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Continuous water metering

1. Provide for the installation of water meters.
2. Carry out cost accounting: general (for the whole building) and separately for each water supply system, including accounting for different functions.
3. Provide for the registration, systematization and archiving of water meters with a storage period of 5 years.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Additional reduction of drinking water consumption outside buildings

Reduce drinking water consumption for irrigation by at least 50% of the amount of irrigation water needed by applying a combination of the following solutions: water-efficient equipment, use of rainwater and grey water, and intelligent site planning technologies.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Further reduction of drinking water consumption in buildings

Reduce water consumption by using water-efficient fittings, collecting rainwater and grey water as service water for household needs.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.




Water efficiency of cooling towers

1. Minimize the use of potable water for feeding cooling towers and ensure that there are no microorganisms, corrosion or deposits in cooling circuits. Perform a one-time water analysis on five control parameters (Table D).
2. Calculate the ratio of the maximum permissible concentration (according to Table D) to the level of concentration obtained from a water analysis on each of the five parameters.
3. Establish the lowest of these values - it will be the determining indicator.


non-compliance of current building projects with the existing Green Zoom standards.


Table D

Parameter Maximum permissible concentration


1000 ppm

Water alkalinity

1000 ppm


100 ppm


250 ppm


1200 µS/cm

Continuation of Table 1

Subdivision Group Sub-Group   Application Guidelines






Achieving minimum energy efficiency

The energy model of the building takes into account the energy consumption of the following systems and elements of the systems:

  • interior lighting;
  • exterior lighting;
  • heating;
  • air cooling;
  • pumps;
  • heat recovery by the cooling system;
  • fans;
  • hot water supply (HWS);
  • domestic and technological equipment;
  • other


inefficient electricity use (overuse)



Optimization of energy resources use and achievement of maximum energy efficiency

Increase the use of additional measures to improve energy efficiency and environmental friendliness, for example:

  • using energy efficient light sources, lighting management;
  • reducing the coefficient of solar radiation transmission by translucent fences;
  • heat recovery of exhaust air with the following efficiency factor E > 0.7;
  • wider use of artificial lighting to increase daylight, night lighting - installation of solar mirrors (artificial moons) in low orbits (50-70 km). One “moon” can save 250 million dollars a year.


inefficient electricity use (overuse)



Use of renewable energy sources

1. Use renewable energy sources, taking into account environmental and economic feasibility.
2. Use the following renewable energy sources:

  • solar collectors and panels;
  • wind turbines;
  • heat pumps: air, geothermal;
  • pellet boilers;
  • biofuels;
  • install solar mirrors (artificial moons) everywhere in low orbits (50-70 km) 3-5 km2 in size.






Collection and storage of recyclable waste

Set aside special places (locations) for waste collection, ensuring the possibility of sorting waste into categories: waste paper, food (organic) waste, glass, plastic and metal. Measures should be taken to safely collect, store and dispose of potentially hazardous waste: batteries, mercury lamps and electronic waste.


a) greenhouse gas emissions from garbage dumps amounting to 2.6 billion tonnes per year;
b) annual garbage disposal at dumps amounts to 2.12 billion tonnes.



Use of recycled materials

Use recycled materials (the production of which uses secondary raw materials or industrial waste).


a) greenhouse gas emissions from garbage dumps amounting to 2.6 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year;
b) annual garbage disposal at dumps amounts to 2.12 billion tonnes.



Minimization of waste removed from construction sites. Reuse of construction waste.

1. Keep quantitative records (by weight or volume) of construction waste.
2. Use construction waste at construction sites.
3. Minimize and properly dispose of waste, reuse building material: strong modular systems of metal forms can be used in concrete structures.


a) greenhouse gas emissions from garbage dumps amount to 2.6 billion tonnes per year;
b) annual garbage disposal at dumps amounts to 2.12 billion tonnes.



Use of environmentally friendly materials

Finishing materials used in construction must have an environmental certificate.


a) greenhouse gas emissions from garbage dumps amounting to 2.6 billion tonnes per year;
b) annual garbage disposal at dumps amounts to 2.12 billion tons.



Use of certified wood materials

Use certified wood materials in the amount of at least 50% of the total volume of wood products and structures used at the facility.


Illegal felling and forest maintenance that does not correspond to the regulations.







Road and rail construction

Develop a standard for building the EuRICAA mega-infrahighway for uniting continents.


a) the absence of such infrastructure;
b) the need for a technological eco-breakthrough in road construction.
c) incorporation of the local One Belt One Road project initiated and owned by one country into the global EuRICAA project, a mega infrahighway that unites all continents, the owners and beneficiaries of which will essentially be all the countries of the world.

The EuRICAA project envisages building tunnels for vacuum trains, where it is economically and technically feasible. These trains will operate on solar panels installed on the outside of a tube, in which sealed capsules are located for transporting people and payloads at high speeds. The tube is located above ground and erected on special pylons, which will ensure environmental protection and minimize possible damage from seismic impacts.

It is recommended that a new generation highway be built on the other sections the EuRICAA mega infrahighway that will allow for the movement of unmanned cars and electric trucks. They should be recharged by means of roadside infrastructure that will operate on the basis of methane.

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